Fantasy Fiction Tour

Four Christian Fantasy authors are making news.

Christopher Hopper, Sharon Hinck, Bryan Davis, and Wayne Batson have rallied together to share there love for Fantasy literature, and share about there own personal fantasy novels. It is well known that fantasy is a genre of high stakes and epic stories. Good vs. evil, epic struggles, and heroes pitted against overwhelming odds. The fantasy four will be traveling together from July 9th to July 18th, on the East coast, sharing their passion for the genre, and talking about their books with fans.

You can learn all the facts about the tour by going to there website:

The authors personal websites are definitely worth checking out:

Christopher Hopper
Sharon Hinck
Bryan Davis
Wayne Batson


WayneThomasBatson said...

Hey, Brandon

Thanks for posting about our Tour. Btw, very cool spacecraft on your header.

Astral Pen said...

I have a list on my blog that has even more links about these four authors:

The Fantastic 4 Fantasy Fiction Tour List of Links

Lots of neat stuff, compiled by yours truly. Interviews and reviews of their books, predominently.

- Jason

Brandon Barr said...

Thanks you, Galactic Overlord.

Everyone, definitely check out his site. Lots of great info!

And thank you Wayne Batson. I really like that picture too. I'm lucky to know the artist through a mutual friend.

chrisd said...

Hi Brandon-just passing through!