Today, May 4th, is Star Wars day. I just discovered this special day, and I'm pleased to share it with all. Right up there with Christopher Columbus, Saint Patrick, and all the presidents of the United States, we know have Star Wars.
So, in honor of Star Wars day, would anyone like to share about their favorite character in the series? I'm going to have to go with Han Solo. I can't think of another character who transformed as much as he did between episode 4 and6
May the 4th be with you...I mean, may the force be with you.
My favorite character was Captain Antilles. if not him, the rebel commandos who were on Endor.
Nice Aidan...Captain Antilles was the only Empire leader who had the guts to stand up to Vader.
Empire leader? Yeah, and he paid for it in the first ten minutes.
Brandon, Fav of the movies or books? I'd have to say the young Anikan Skywalker. . . ope, Han too!
Can you believe there is a Star Wars Day LOL. . .
I can still hear the sound effects from 1977
Antilles goes down as a Rebel Martyr in my books ;)
You might be interested to know that National Cobra Cutlass month is coming up in June. :)
Well, I'm going to go back to my first impressions of when I saw the film in 1977.
The character whom I identified with the most was Luke Skywalker, who suddenly went from being a farmboy to someone with a destiny.
Skywalker's up there in my books too. How could he not be.
I would say Jar Jar Binks, but I'm afraid of getting viciously attacked by everyone. Seriously, if I had to choose one character, it would Han Solo from episode IV, before Lucas turned him into a hero. I liked him better when he was a rogue.
I was close to deleting your comment. I don't think the name J*r J*r B*nks should be used so blatantly on a family friendly site. But for purely educational reasons, I let your comment stand. Please use a little more discretion before making any future comments...
Ben Kenobi for me. After he dies Han Solo is the cool guy. If Luke wasn't played by Mark Hamil I would have liked him too. I like the chracter, just not the actor playing the character lol.
Hi Joshua,
Master Kenobi was a good character...probably the best acted character too.
hahaha - Brandon, I have to agree with your sentiments toward a certain bothersome, if innocent, gungan. :-)
My favorite is also Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is patient with Anakin, powerful in battle (having overcome both Maul and Grievous,) and wise in the ways of the Force. Han is a close second, because of his witty sarcasm and self-dependence; he would do well to be more mindful of the Force though :-D
Hey Dustin,
Good choice. He is wise as well as compassionate, but he rarely lets his feelings override his reason.
National Cobra Cutlass LOL
Right after we have Sky Chronicles "con" in Vegas, right? LOL
I agree with Mike, Han was much more believable rogue :0)
JJ Binks? I thought we were talking our favs, hee hee
When is AM out?
Hey KM :)
Well, AM is scheduled to come out this month...our publisher is having a little trouble with the hopefully the May release stays intact. I will have a blog extravaganza the day it's officially available!!
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