Brandon's short story, MONSTER published

My short story, "Monster" is out at Digital Dragon Magazine and it's free to read. It's a blend of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, and it's a modern day parable of sorts...

Check it out if you like HERE.


Budd said...

congrats, can't read the story as I am at work, but will get to it.

logankstewart said...

That was excellent. Reminded me of the Screwtape Letters, thick with metaphor and meaning. The descriptions were vivid, the plot rushed and tense, and I read in anticipation. Great job, Brandon.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Great story, well-written imagery. I liked the description of the crystal orbs, the ability of the prison-keeper to mask his true nature, and the last scene was perfect. You showed us the fight between light and dark, between the prison keeper and the death slayer.

Sheila Deeth said...

Cool story. And thanks for the link to Digital Dragon--an interesting place.

Brandon Barr said...

Hi Budd, haha, I understand!

Thanks so much. I know you're a man of excellent taste, so your words are extra encouraging!

:) So glad you liked it! Thanks for your feedback too. It's always neat to hear what parts really stick out to readers.

Hi Sheila,
Thanks! And yes, Digital Dragon Magazine is a great resource :)

Ian Curtis said...

Hello Brandon.
Interesting site you have here. I don't have too much time for spare reading outside of my normal load, but I am going to pick up your novel for a little pleasure reading; it may take awhile to finish reading it (time constraints) but I'll get back to you for certain. God bless your writings, my friend. Ian.

Brandon Barr said...

Hi Ian,
I'm honored to have you read my novel. And yes, get back to me on what you think!

Sheila Deeth said...

Hope the novel is going well.

Brandon Barr said...

Hi Sheila,
It is, just very slowly...