Limited time Kindle offer on my novel After the Cross

My publisher, Ellechor, has lowered the Kindle price on my novel, After the Cross.

Check out the deal HERE.

After the Cross has been compared to the Da Vinci Code, and to the Indiana Jones movies. Here's the teaser from the back cover:

Two linguists follow a trail of clues described in an 800-year old letter which purports to reveal the final resting place of Jesus’ cross, only to find themselves battling against time, hired mercenaries, and each other.
        They soon discover that the most important struggle of their lives is not around them, but from within, testing their beliefs, their ethics, and their growing love for one another.

 If you want to support my writing, buy the book. And if you buy it, I'd love to hear from you. Well, I'd love to hear from you anyway, but even more so if you've read my work.


Sheila Deeth said...

Not bought it yet, but I'm putting it on my definitely-interested list. Love the cover too.

Brandon Barr said...

haha, well I'm honored to have made your "definitely-interested list"

Thanks for stopping by!

Andra M. said...

Well, shucks, I don't own a Kindle. I did, however, buy it for my Nook. I'm reading something else now, but yours is second on my list!

Brandon Barr said...

Whoo-hoo! Second on the list :)
I think you'll enjoy it. Right now, I'm reading "Hunger Games".

Andra M. said...

I just finished all three of the Hunger Games series (took me a mere four days to read them all). It's one of those rare stories I didn't want to end. It's fabulous.

The movie is due out in 2013, but I'm not sure I want to see it. I fear it won't be nearly as good as the book, so why risk the disappointment?

Brandon Barr said...

:) Andra,
I've had the Hunger Games on my "to buy" list for two years. I knew they'd be exceptional from the praise they were receiving.
I feel the same way about the movie. I don't think I'll see it either! Nothing like a mediocre movie distorting my memories of an amazing novel.

Peter Stone said...

Hi Brandon,
Sorry I have not been by for a while, but I have been very ill. Thanks for the heads up on your Kindle Book, I'll have to grab a copy.

I also have good news. After years of work, I have finished my Christian epic fantasy and published it on Kindle.

It is called 'A Knight from Dein.' (You helped me with the intro a couple of years ago.)

Peter Stone

Chancelet said...

Hi Brabdib! I came across your blog after searching for Christian speculative fiction blogs. I need to up my following of these blogs as I know the genre is growing and now some do exist. I've also self-published a CS fiction novel that's more on the horror side, and am working on promoting it and my blog. Hope to keep in touch.